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Vote spam

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Naught, Nov 7, 2013.

Mods: Rainbows
  1. Naught

    Naught Catapult Fodder

    Vote didn't go you way huh ?
    why not vote again
    and again
    and again
    and again
    and again
    and again
    and again
    and again
    and again

    result is a perpetual vote on the bottom of the screen
    timeout for votes pls
    Vampire, Jlordo and Ej like this.
  2. Gouanaco

    Gouanaco Shark Slayer

    o-o. You could of written this up abit. Cause even though your asking about vote spam. You seem to be spamming yourself. (No offence)
  3. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    It is a valid point, but I don't think a timeout is the way it should work. Most of the time, people vote because the game is actually a stalemate or the map is indeed ruined. I played yesterday on a map where the entire middle was nothing but bedrock. No dirt, no resources, just a perpetual stalemate. The votes wouldn't pass because not enough people actually voted. There would be cases where the vote would be 12-7 but it said 18 was needed. How is that possible when only 17 people actually voted out of the 32!
  4. Auburn

    Auburn Prepare Yourself! Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    I thought if a vote failed, the person who started it got kicked?
  5. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Used to happen that way and still does for votekicks, but everyone felt it was "too harsh" - this made me feel like everyone was "too soft", but I have to give the people what they want, so it only happens when your vote kick gets conclusively "No" voted.

    Of course, if someone is spamming votes, you can vote to kick them for reason: spamming :^)
    -Q likes this.
  6. Trumbles

    Trumbles Bison Rider

    Gonna necro this because i don't want to start a whole new thread on it.

    Vote kick spamming is the worst thing ever. Heck, it shouldn't be a pop-up at all, it should be something that individual players have to go into a menu/vote for on the scoreboard.

    The way it is now, people often vote yes either because they 1: dislike the person, or 2: vote yes just to get the damn notification off their screen.

    It's big, obnoxious and spammy, and there HAS to be a better solution. So frustrated by the amount of kick griefing that goes on.

    I literally got kicked out of a game, because i told a builder what he was doing was bad (making trap block bridges, that basically cut our team off from areas they needed to go), and he called a votekick on me. People immediately voted yes, with no context. No explanation in chat. They just voted yes because it was there. It's complete garbage.
  7. Auburn

    Auburn Prepare Yourself! Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    Does anyone remember the old system used to vote for the next map in classic? Bring that back. Have a very small pop-up off to the side, and have people press buttons that aren't used for anything else. F5 and F6 maybe?
    wilpin7 and Nabuco like this.
  8. Trumbles

    Trumbles Bison Rider

    I really don't think there should be a popup at all. It should be something that players have to work out in chat, and all go into a menu or whatever and individually vote to kick a guy.

    The current pop-up system promotes people to just throw a kick out there with no given context or reasoning aside from the brief kick reasons that it lets you choose. A kick should always have to be explained in chat in order to actually get people to vote.
  9. Auburn

    Auburn Prepare Yourself! Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    @Trumbles let me ask you this: You're an archer, doing awesomely at the front lines and not dying. In fact, all of your team is doing that, except for 2 people. One person is a griefer, and the other just spawned. The person who just spawns tries to vote-kick him, but too many people are too lazy to go into a menu, and now your flag is open to the enemy because of a griefer. Do you really want that? You know the average kag player is lazy as fuck. But if they notice a small pop-up off to the side of their screen, and are then prompted to press a key, and aren't given large, annoying fields to click, they may actually make a smart decision.
  10. Trumbles

    Trumbles Bison Rider

    Idk. If servers were actively administrated, i'd just say leave all kicking to them, but they aren't.

    At least your idea is much better than voting's current implementation.

    My point is that these things should be explained and discussed, not done on a whim through some stupid pop-up with a time limit.

    But griefers are a problem with that point of view, they need to be kicked asap. Current votekicking is good for that, but also results in a lot of potential for kick-griefing. People see the "griefer" reason, and immediately vote yes without any context or understanding of the situation, i see it all the time.
  11. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Honestly, we made the popup obvious because 80% of players refused to interact with any other system. Voting on the scoreboard resulted in griefers never being kicked on unadministered servers, the "old" system used for map votes in classic was originally used for vote abuse, just like the current one is at times.

    The ideal solution is active administration. The Aus servers are at peak times but nothing like [!] unlim used to be, unfortunately. Other than that, this is the only system I've seen that actually works when you need it to, vulnerable to abuse or not.

    If the timer/cooldown for starting another vote needs to be looked into then great, but I'm not likely to move the vote box or change the system all that much.
  12. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    Vote kicking is at a all time high. Vote kicking for a legitimate reason however, is at an all time low. From players switching teams to kick a good player to players just kicking another player for simply giving them advice, vote kicking is just a huge fuck-fest of abuse.

    The current update changed how vote kick worked, it made it easier to kick players for doing bad things, everything worked great... for about a week. People then came to realize that it was easy to kick players for anything, that there didn't need to be a reason.

    I'm not saying the old system was better and I am not saying it was worse, because both the old and the new have equal advantages and disadvantages. The old, players were not kicked without reason, but griefers/rule breakers were in some cases not kicked out of pure laziness. The new, players are kicked without reason, but that also includes griefers/rule breakers.

    Right now I can think of no solution to this problem that can easily fix it, as Geti said, the ideal solution is active administration. Admins are already being recruited for official servers and have been recruiting since December 3rd, with the first load of those being accepted December 18th.

    It has been over 2 months since then and nothing has changed at all. I have never once seen an admin on any of the official servers and I play from any of these times: 7:30-8:50 AM, 12:00-2:00 PM, 1:20-8:00 PM, and 3:30-8:00 PM. I play a good 4+ hours every day, I don't play exclusively on official servers, but most of the time I do, and yet I still have not seen an admin in over TWO FULL MONTHS.

    There is a total of 16 official admins and 42 members of the KAG Guard (some do overlap).

    The story of the KAG Guard is a bit different. On average I see maybe 2 Guards a week, maybe for an hour each. I however, have never seen them actually do anything. I was once kicked for "greifing" when I was knight the entire game, topping the leaderboards too, and the Guard didn't even bat an eye.

    In Summary:

    We can't get the vote kick system to work in a way where griefers can be punished while only a few players, in some rare cases, get kicked for no reason. Because of this, we recruit admins for the official servers, 16 total. This is considered the "Ideal Solution" to fix this problem. Only thing is, they are rarely seen.

    KAG Guards are seen more often than official admins, but rarely do anything.

    The only other way to punish players is to report them here on the forums. Though, to do so, you have to have video evidence that shows the scoreboard, with their name on it, their name above their head preforming the act, and it has to be high enough quality for all of it to be seen.

    Problem with this is, atleast half of these players are using low quality computers that can barely even run KAG, let alone use a video recording software alongside it. Meanwhile, well over half the players of the game who report these problem don't know they have to show the scoreboard, so their evidence is useless.

    So with all that being said, what can we do to fix it? Hell if I know. I can throw out ideas like I always do (and trust me, I have about 6 that could help fix this), but in most cases they are rejected or not even looked at by the people that matter. So what do you all think you can do to fix this?
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2014
    Klokinator and wilpin7 like this.
  13. Yagger

    Yagger Kouji's bitch 5eva Staff Alumni Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

Mods: Rainbows