If you remove the BETA text, that would be a sufficient front page video for the official release. fack I thought you made it. Great nevertheless.
Is it going to be for the Steam trailer do you think? I think it could still be better for the main trailer if it is but
Whew, had quite a blast in a modded tickets server today. And quite not-so-blast later in MM's testing grounds. PLEASE implement the tutorial soon :(
There's already a tutorial when you start a match. :o But I guess people just disregard it and press F1. o -o
Bad KAG trailer is KAG trailer without slow-motions and starbursts etc. That only shown yours lags, not creativity. You have still much to learn. I'll give you good advice: "youtube".
This isn't a COD xXN0-Sc0p3Xx-360-y0L0-svv@g.Hedshuts-0nly montage. Trailer is fine as it is. On the other side, there are trailers like Soldat veterans: ...but soldat is a way faster paced game than kag, so it allows such edits. *nostalgia*