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Ping Bans - This is getting ridiculous.

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Bran34, Mar 4, 2012.

  1. Bran34

    Bran34 Catapult Fodder

    Ping bans are getting EXTREMELY ridiculous.

    I downloaded the game yesterday and now i'm pretty much banned on almost every popular server because of high pings. It's getting really, really, REALLY hard to enjoy this game when I can't even play it because of the occasional ping spike.

    I can play every other game just fine. I can even host a 2-person minecraft server, but I can't play KAG because of this ping-banning system that is in place. RARELY can I get into a server that doesn't ban me within 5 minutes for ping issues, when what happens is that my ping occasionally spikes because of router issues.
    Arcite and inactive_account like this.
  2. Spoolooni

    Spoolooni Shark Slayer

    Only solution,

    Get better internet. If pings are really only the element blocking you from gameplay, than you're going to have to cough up something to help you with that latency issue. I can roughly assume you're using wireless.
  3. Bran34

    Bran34 Catapult Fodder

    So let me get this straight.

    I can play Battlefield 3 with pretty low pings, I can play Garrysmod with pretty low pings,
    from a bronze cable package, not Dial-Up, but I can't play KAG.

    It's not like i'm running Dial-up, it's a pretty standard Bronze Package. It's your typical household connection.

    I don't quite understand what's going on either. I normally have pings of 60-80 in most games on most US servers, but I get banned in KAG.

    The banner really should only ban if you have a ping over say, 200 for more than 10 seconds. If that's what already happens, then I really have no idea.

    If the netcode is causing this, then the game shouldn't even ban for pings in the first place because the net-code isn't up to par to allow people to get decent latency.
    Arcite likes this.
  4. BlitZWTF

    BlitZWTF Shopkeep Stealer

    I'm sorry, but you are an idiot for thinking we can just lolconjure a better internet connection, where i live (UK Countryside) i can't get better then i have, and yet i can't enjoy the game because of the ping bans.
  5. Spoolooni

    Spoolooni Shark Slayer

    Yes, I'm a total idiot for suspecting that a ping issue relates to a latency problem :rollseyes:. If latency is an issue, than you should find a server closest to where you live, if there's one for UK that is.
  6. BlitZWTF

    BlitZWTF Shopkeep Stealer

    You didn't read my comment correctly, i said you were an idiot for thinking we can just buy better internet like it's bottled water.

    EDIT: Also, i said i have the best connection available.
  7. Spoolooni

    Spoolooni Shark Slayer

    Well, if you can't get better internet than it's just too bad for you. Also, I didn't assume you had a 100% possibility of getting better internet, I was just putting it out there that getting better internet is the solution to your ping problem. Unless you're using wireless than you should try changing up the channels and optimizing your settings :huh?:
  8. BlitZWTF

    BlitZWTF Shopkeep Stealer

    Sure, i'll get right on that. :huh?:
  9. UnnamedPlayer

    UnnamedPlayer Arsenist Administrator Global Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    I live in brazil. 300+ ping everyday.
    233 is an excellent ping for me.
    When I got 166 ping is a wonderful day.
    I only got 66 once, on a brazilian server (thanks DUZ).

    And I don't seem to be experiencing the same ping kick issues you have.
    It isn't a problem on netcode, each server have his own ping limit configurations:
    1. A ping limit value
    2. A number of warnings before kick (to prevent people like you, with a lot of lag spikes to be banned.

    Try to join Servers near where you live and servers with better ping tolerance (I changed the values of MOLE Server to be a lot more tolerant, but unfortunately is gold only).
    And you can also use cable instead of wireless (it gives me a little bit more of speed).
    inactive_account likes this.
  10. BlitZWTF

    BlitZWTF Shopkeep Stealer

    But it's not just that though, you have one, a single lag spike and you're banned, and in my case it's an indiscriminate spike.

    (Also, sorry if it seems i hijacked your thread Bran, i didn't mean to :()
    Arcite likes this.
  11. Bran34

    Bran34 Catapult Fodder

    I am completely wired. no wi-fi whatsoever. I use an ethernet cable to go from the router to my PC.

    I use a standard basic cable package, 300kb/s download, 60kb/s upload.

    I can get standard pings to texas, new york, and Los Angeles of around 60-100 in most games.

    Yet I can get ping banned on Texas servers, when I live in Illinois.
    Sense. This makes none.

    There really doesn't need to be a warning system. There needs to be a default threshold for ping bans to allow people across any sort of DECENT connection to play. It should be, rather than

    "You ping spiked to 500. You are now banned. have fun not playing."

    "Your ping spiked to 500. If it does not return to normal levels in 10 seconds, you are KICKED. You still get to have fun playing."

    There is no reason to ban people for having high pings unless their internet connection is really THAT horrible. I.E. VERY VERY slow cable or dial-up. Also, if you live in the countryside, an unstable connection really cannot be helped. epsecially on cable, because of the way cable internet works.
  12. BlitZWTF

    BlitZWTF Shopkeep Stealer

    I'd say about 20 seconds of 'recovery' time would be good for this, the Source Engine has a 60s timer until it boots you from the game, though that allows all pings that can still connect.
  13. UnnamedPlayer

    UnnamedPlayer Arsenist Administrator Global Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    Warning system acctually work like that. Your ping spiked really fast. You got one warning. If you get like 500-600 warnings then you get ping kicked. You should try servers with bigger ping warning values.
  14. BlitZWTF

    BlitZWTF Shopkeep Stealer

    If it worked like that then we wouldn't be here, please read the thread before commenting as there isn't more then one page here yet.
  15. UnnamedPlayer

    UnnamedPlayer Arsenist Administrator Global Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]


    global sv_maxping = 450; // Max ping allowed on server after which player is kicked. Large ping players will slow down server.
    global sv_maxping_warnings = 300; // Because of ping spikes, warnings are issued if a player has ping over max number.

    Please read the KAG files before commenting here they aren't that hard.
    Bammboo likes this.
  16. BlitZWTF

    BlitZWTF Shopkeep Stealer

    Then explain to me why a single lagg spike gets you banned.
  17. Mister_Snazzy

    Mister_Snazzy Shipwright

    He just said why, your ping spiked, you got warnings, and got kicked.

    It's usually less than a 20 minutes ban anyways.
  18. BlitZWTF

    BlitZWTF Shopkeep Stealer

    So what you're saying is, we work up 300-600 warnings in the span of 5 seconds?
    Arcite likes this.
  19. Bran34

    Bran34 Catapult Fodder

    Actually, it's broken from what i've heard. The bans only reset on server restart because of some bug. Basically, they reset daily. (or if it's a crashy server, mabye less than that.)

    The ping kick/banner really just needs revised or just flat out removed. There should never, EVER be a problem with a game that the only way to fix it is "GET A BETTER INTERNET CONNECTION", unless your connection is dial-up.

    See, there are two aspects to latency.

    Jitter, and Ping.

    Ping is how long it takes for a packet to reach a server.

    Jitter is how much it varies. Some connections (such as rural area connections) are unstable in this area, causing ping spikes. You could have 100mb/s download speeds, but if your jitter is too bad, you still would be unable to play KAG because your ping would spike.

    Jitter is not something that is under your control, and there is no way to fix it other than move to a different service provider, which, if you live in a rural area, or even a rather small town or suburb, is sometimes not an option.

    Just revisit the ping banner, make it more lenient and rework it. That's all we ask.
  20. BlitZWTF

    BlitZWTF Shopkeep Stealer

    That pretty much sounds like my problem, and it's so damn hard to enjoy the game when you know that as soon as people stop moving, you're out of the game and have to find another server :\

    I feel that this shows it's worst face in a game like KAG, it may be round based, but there's some form of progression. You help your teammates push, build defenses etc, but you get forced to forget it every 10+ minutes.
    Arcite likes this.