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My love for Shiprekt

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Cindermuffin, Oct 2, 2014.

  1. Cindermuffin

    Cindermuffin Catapult Fodder

    SO! I literally just bought this game yesterday (signed this account up probably years ago) and I found most of the servers dead. BUT. There was one server (EU Shiprekt v7) that made me happier than ever. I JUST REALLY LOVE SHIPREKT.

    However, I was kicked out of the server late last night and have been banned since. I don't know where to go to get appealed for that server but I would really love to play shiprekt again.

    I'll be honest - yes, I was griefing. I was griefing because, well, my team was lead by some person who kept putting blocks on the ship (making it unable to move) and I figured I may as well destroy our ship so that we could just join another team. So I loaded the ship up with bombs and suicide bombed another ship (didn't do much damage to them) and then I was vote kicked by my crew.

    I realize I may not get this ban lifted or anything, I was just really hoping to. I was really excited to buy this game yesterday but it's not the same game as it was a year or two ago. Shiprekt is pretty much the only thing I want to do on it now. :/

    Let the hating and stuff begin I guess. I'm sorry.
    Hella likes this.
  2. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Tbh I sympathize with you. That game mode desperately needs a teamswap feature. It sucks getting stuck on the shit team.
    PinXviiN likes this.
  3. Really depends on the admins of that server. PM them, hope you get an answer - that's about all you can do. You can find the EU Shiprekt admins by looking in the "Server Directory" subforum.
  4. Cindermuffin

    Cindermuffin Catapult Fodder

    Thank you all very much. I was unsure where to go for it. Shiprekt IS really fun - when not on a stupid team. But most experiences I've had with it have been amazing.