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King Athur's Gold - Zombie Fortress Fanmade Trailler!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Sogeking-kun, Apr 12, 2012.

  1. Sogeking-kun

    Sogeking-kun Shipwright

  2. knightl

    knightl Base Burner

    That was

    GHOZT likes this.
  3. Jakkar

    Jakkar Shopkeep Stealer

    Promising start, running through the woods to the building tones of the summer overture, but... It never changed. Except to begin flashing chaotic menus at me, for the quality to drop further, and for the film-grain overlay to make the dark underground scenes illegible. Zoom out a little, find a higher quality recording solution (even 720p was a blurry mess), and implement some kind of plot progression or group gameplay if you try this again =)

    Great choice on the music, good intro.
  4. Sogeking-kun

    Sogeking-kun Shipwright

    Thank you, I put this video on air, just to learn, more to go!, But I wonder if I put the effect "old film" in the next again, or leave without?
    and the quality, the video "original" rendered in sony vegas, has a great quality, but its size is 899 mb! only when the final version, I'll put in real HD, thank you for rating!
  5. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    What Jakkar said. It looked good in the beginning, but didn't evolve to anything. I also suggest you to not use that old fil filter all the time, as it really starts to get on eyes after a few minutes.
  6. ockpii

    ockpii Horde Gibber

    Yes, this, and that music is insanely over-used. Totally off-putting for me.

    sj67 likes this.
  7. Sogeking-kun

    Sogeking-kun Shipwright

    Thank you all, through the comments, I can improve in the next, but ockpii not understand what you meant right, you want me to remove the music? in my opinion is cool ...
  8. ockpii

    ockpii Horde Gibber

    No, I mean, keep the music, it's there. It's just been used in so many fan trailers, test clips of stuff, that I couldn't bear to sit through to the end. The effect didn't really help. You seem to be interested in this, so I believe that you can make this blooming amazing. Good luck ;)

    sj67 likes this.