I hope they don't make the current heads unlock able, instead like Dubov said make some new heads and maybe even suit them to specific classes? Just an idea, not very practical but maybe some could have optional colors or add-ons?
I was likely to said that, but think that need lots of coding again to coloring and other accessory in the heads. we already have custom heads mod (Spec. Thanks to Skinney) so if THEY make unlocking heads feature, but only making when heads reachs 100+ or when beta transforming into release --- Double Post Merged, Feb 21, 2015, Original Post Date: Feb 21, 2015 --- I dont see another reasons why they should add/when add unlockable heads.
What I mean by that, is you should be able to adjust the color of the heads finer features. Would not be hard to do, a new menu and 16 colors. What would be worrying is the multiplayer/client connection.
Sry, but colored heads... its just like youre playing GBC instead of PC. i think there should be changing colors of the hair or accessory
I hope we can have downwards facing bolters. That + skybridge = arrow rain. Combined with trampolines, they could be amazing.
Omg the carnage that would cause XD, some pesky knight walks up. some piston pushes up some platform blocks "Oh shit, ITS A TRAP!"and then you rain god knows what on him.
"c) Unlocking heads We may hook single-player progress up to a set of unlockable heads so you can show off your expertise in multi-player. We’d love to hear your opinion on this. " I LOVE the idea ! I have also heard many people talking that kag has a "system of levels" to encourage people to stay longer on kag. I also have many friends who told me: "If kag has a tier system, I would make a comeback on Kag" I do not know if it's a good idea, it can be a good idea if it is possible to unlock heads for example, emblazoned shields, other swords (But that does not change the hitting power! ) For me a tier system would be just great if this would unlock Aesthetic things, I said aesthetics, because I do not want a system of levels witch allows people to be stronger, hitting harder, having more hearts etc ... Especially not that ! We need the system of levels gave no benefits "to be stronger" but "to be more beautiful!" : D After it's just my opinion ... EDIT : What do you think @Geti ? :)
Fashion rewards for playing the game. Only upsides and no downsides. Implement and bring back life to kag! It stimulates people to play your game. Would you work for someone if you got no pay?
I think its not a good idea, For Another game, Yea it would be great but in kag, it will be a système to get money. "i want this Shields, i want to buy it with $" BUT, i really would to come back on kag, i actualy left, and make a modded server like my last with Tanks, News vehicles, AND, a Level system, like, players on My server will up level by Playing time. It would be great. + Adding like > Level 2 : New Shields, Level 5 : Gold block for builder > Level 7 : Triangle block > Level 10 : New Sword, arrows. And More (Server in Sandox!). So, If any moddder can do that, i would add him to Admin Modder and restart my server.