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JacKD's ThermoNuclear Warfare

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by JacKD, Sep 17, 2012.

Mods: jackitch
  1. JacKD

    JacKD Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Server name: JacKD's ThermoNuclear Warfare
    Slots: 10
    Gamemode:ThermoNuclear Team Death Match
    Located in: Chile
    Max ping: 333
    Global moderation: On

    My newest creation.
    This server is pretty different from normal KAG. The most important change in terms of gameplay is that jumping stuns, so moving becomes very difficult and a bad jump can get you killed. Also, fully charged arrows can hit behind one block walls! Take this into consideration as I don't consider it as glitch abuse, and the stun on jumps is not lag.

    Main features
    • Modded classes and gamemode that enable more tactical gameplay
    • Technology tree that includes an economy system
    • Three types of nukes to destroy your enemy!
    • No team-only vertical movement, that means no doors, no trapbridges
    Health: 4 hearts
    Fully charged shot: 5 hearts of damage
    Normal shot (not fully charged): 0,2 hearts
    Slower full charging and machine gun drawtime

    Health: 6 hearts
    Slower building rate

    Health: 8 hearts
    Faster charging time

    Archers do a lot of damage from afar, they can one-hit kill other archers and leave Builders with 1 heart and Knights with 3 hearts.

    Tech tree (New! 11-nov-2012)
    tech tree.png
    screen-12-11-19-16-42-51.png screen-12-11-19-16-42-56.png screen-12-11-19-16-43-36.png screen-12-11-19-16-43-44.png screen-12-11-19-16-46-41.png screen-12-11-19-16-46-51.png
    EDIT2: Faster drawtime for machine-gun-like archers that do very little damage, full charge still snipes. Tents are removed, slightly more health for shops, lower prices for some shops, slightly less jump stun, cheapers arrows, changing classes now requires money at shops, outpost cost increased, changing classes at outpost doesn't cost money.​
    EDIT: As suggested by MechaTrickster wood crates now use the block_collider ball factory, which means that you can actually stand on them instead of sliding off of them slowly. The downside is that crate can now *push* workshops, which can be a good or a bad thing i.e.: you can move your shops from/to the frontlines instead of building new ones, but if you move them of the ground they explode xD This is subject to change in the future.​
    Beef, MechaTrickster and Madoka like this.
  2. Creille

    Creille Base Burner

    you should get some screen shots bro i think it sounds really cool :D
    Beef likes this.
  3. JacKD

    JacKD Ballista Bolt Thrower

    I'll try to make some :)
  4. AJ123098

    AJ123098 Bison Rider

    Up the ping kick lvl please
    Fix the bug that kicks and 10min bans ppl with 'Low Ping' or 'Speedhacking' when they don't. Quite a few servers have this :/
    Thanks :D
    Looking forward to it... in ten minutes when my ban goes off
    That is if you fix it ;)
  5. JacKD

    JacKD Ballista Bolt Thrower

    I don't know how to change that 10 min ban you say... if you tell me how I can change it
  6. AJ123098

    AJ123098 Bison Rider

    Hmm no it's a bug but if it id possible, it should be on the first ten Google results. If not... it has no fix xD
    That's my philosophy...
    With google that is
    </br>--- merged: Sep 24, 2012 6:36 PM ---</br>
    I just tried to connect... but alas, disconnected due to le bug :/
    </br>--- merged: Sep 24, 2012 6:36 PM ---</br>
    I hope the KAG ppl fix it :D
  7. JacKD

    JacKD Ballista Bolt Thrower

    I had some screenshots, but at some point I de- and reinstalled KAG and lost them :QQ:
Mods: jackitch