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[Idea]Tower of Babel

Discussion in 'Game modes' started by Squeal, Nov 5, 2012.

  1. Squeal

    Squeal Shipwright

    This was a old gamemode from Ace of Spades, a 3D voxel based shooter, but I feel it's an idea that will translate well to KAG. The concept is incredibly simple, and should require minimum modding to the server.

    In Tower of Bable, the two flags sit on a floating platform, high enough in the sky that reaching it is difficult. The game is simple, you must be the first to build a tower that reaches the flag and then bring it back to your base. The catch? You want to stop the other team, whether that means killing their builders or knocking the whole thing down like a failed game of Jenga.

    The key issue with translating this game to KAG will be balancing. On AoS, you can't just build a ladder tower as tall as you want, so it will be worth testing both the hight of the platform and the cost of certain blocks.

    Image is of the AoS gamemode in play, just as a reference.

    Ducko, Arcite, Areo and 5 others like this.
  2. Areo

    Areo much doge so swag wow
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    It's a really good idea from a really cool game , but what about builders?
    I mean i really dont think builders should be in this gamemode , just a natural long tower/ruin , and whoever makes it first and brings it back wins.
    Builders could:
    A:Build a base around the two flags which is un-fair in its entirety
    B:Collapsing it , which you said before is a stragestic , but i think it would just dim the gamemode down with no large towers.
    C:Forts? , Of course not! , its just who can make it first.
    Builders would be cool , but i just think it should be Knight/Archer play since you're not defending anything really , mostly taking actually.
    I think its cool but builders would just ruin the experience for me.
  3. -Q

    -Q Donator

    It seems much more feasible when the new structure code comes along (more sophisticated in that it requires a wider base for taller things), if one does indeed use builders. Also, knocking down the main tower can be easily prevented by dirt backwall.
  4. Ulthuanelf

    Ulthuanelf Shark Slayer

    They're supposed to build upwards. Otherwise, it's just a Race gamemode.

    :dirt::dirt::dirt::dirt::dirt: :no:

    :blank: :blue:
    :blank: :castle_wall:
    :up: :ladder::blank::yes:
    :dirt::dirt::dirt: (Or maybe no ladders.)

    (Are there any Race servers left, actually? I'd love to try it.)
    Arcite likes this.
  5. Gonf

    Gonf Base Burner

    Perhaps an RTDM server could have symmetrical maps, each with a parkour feel path on either side to the top of the mountain. (Not necessaries stone jumpy bits and such, but more destructible pathways and dirt walls.) This path could even meet with the oppositions path to fight it out. At the top there is a flag which can be returned to either base that will win the game.

    Just some thoughts on how to transition this great idea to KAG.
    Arcite likes this.
  6. Where the files? ):
  7. Ulthuanelf

    Ulthuanelf Shark Slayer

    The flag has to be in a hard-to-reach place, tough, or they'll be running on with it in mere seconds.
  8. Gonf

    Gonf Base Burner

    Here's the kind of thing I was suggesting:


    bablon example.png

    bablon example 2.png

    Arcite likes this.