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Cant play - executing file changes into unknown one

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Naime, Apr 5, 2012.

  1. Naime

    Naime Drill Rusher

    Hello Folks,
    (linux mint 12-noob)

    After the 353 update, I got a problem.

    1) I downloaded Kag. My screen looks like this.

    2) I click on the file "Kag", the executing file, and a download beginns (probably the 353-update).

    3) after the update, my screen looks like this, there is a Kagtemp (for temporary I guess). As you can see, the icon for "Kag" has changed, it turned into a file I can not open.


    If I click on "KagTemp", it works, but, as you see in background, the Kagtemp-file disappears.

    Left with only the Kag-file, which is not recognizable, I cant play :QQ:

    (its german and it says: File was not recognized).
  2. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Thanks - it seems like the autoupdate for linux clients and servers sometimes doesn't rename the temporary/new file over the old one. I have passed this on to MM/Geti to have it looked at when they have a chance.

    What should work is deleting the existing KAG file, and then renaming Kag.exe.Temp to KAG

    If you have already lost the new file, you may be best off deleting the current copy of KAG you downloaded and getting a new one
    </br>--- merged: Apr 5, 2012 5:36 PM ---</br>
    I have done some troubleshooting and it looks like MM may have accidentally distributed the windows binary to linux users in today's update. I will speak to him and with any luck he can get a new install published to the site and update system within 24 hours. Sorry for the inconvenience!
    Naime likes this.
  3. Naime

    Naime Drill Rusher

    Thanks for your time, problem solved!
  4. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Looking into it further with Shadlington, you *may* be able to get it to work by renaming the KAG.exe.tmp2 file over KAG. I just tested and it actually worked.

    The person I was working with on IRC who had a file I identified as a Windows binary may have done something else to obfuscate the issue.

    To clarify again - rename KAG.exe.tmp2 to just 'KAG'. IT seems to work fine. I will speak with Nixito as he may have had a different problem
  5. Naime

    Naime Drill Rusher

    I did so and it works - as already posted in the previous comment. Thanks for your help! if that issue comes up again wwith the next download, I just will rename it as I succesfully did.
  6. trelawney

    trelawney KAG Guard Tester

    xD is the most fitting emoticon... During update in Linux, I end up with an OSX binary (Mach-O executable i386) while the temporary file is named after the Windows one! (KAG.exe.tmp2) Truly multiplatform!

    Renaming KAG.exe.tmp to KAG did work though.