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Loud/glitch noises on mac (was: Build 353 Released!)

Discussion in 'General Help' started by MooCowMan, Apr 5, 2012.

  1. MooCowMan

    MooCowMan Shopkeep Stealer

    Love the new features, however just reporting a few bugs.
    Crashes frequently after joining a server, not sure what triggers it, though bombs seem to in particular.
    Seems to have very loud collision noises.
    (I'm on a Mac, Running OS 10.6.8)
    GHOZT likes this.
  2. Ghozt

    Ghozt Haxor

    With what Moo said ^ especially hitting bedrock is majorly out of whack, the noises that is. Also when you have a ping in excess of 200 when touched by a shield you go mental. But still can't wait to have fun with some corpses. :D

    Edit: Ooooo look 400 messages :D
    inactive_account likes this.
  3. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    This is happening to me as well, I mentioned it to MM this morning and tried to get a video of it to show him (but wasn't successful yet)
    </br>--- merged: Apr 6, 2012 11:54 AM ---</br>

    I got a video of it.

    Notice how loud the collision noises are going right to left over the tower, but left to right are normal. The left to right ones are usually accompanied by a very loud burst of static too, which really grates on you when you're trying to play the game. I think all mac users are having this issue since 353 yesterday.
    inactive_account likes this.
  4. trelawney

    trelawney KAG Guard Tester

    Here's a mediainfo dump of all the soundfiles (minus GUI and menu), wonder if you can isolate the problematic ones and whether sampling rate could be the cause of such a glitch. Opening a random sample of those files in a wave editor didn't reveal clipping (which is a good thing, really).

    arg_long.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    arg_short.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    arrow_draw.ogg : 48.0 KHz
    arrow_hitfast_ground.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    arrow_hit_ground.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    arrows_make.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    bomb_bounce.ogg : 22.05 KHz
    bomb_make.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    bomb.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    bone_fall1.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    bone_fall2.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    boulder_fall1.ogg : 48.0 KHz
    boulder_fall2.ogg : 48.0 KHz
    bow_fire.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    bow_pull.ogg : 48.0 KHz
    branches1.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    branches2.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    break_bone.ogg : 48.0 KHz
    bridge_close.ogg : 96.0 KHz
    bridge_open.ogg : 96.0 KHz
    build_door.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    build_ladder.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    build_wall2.ogg : 48.0 KHz
    build_wall.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    catapult_destroy.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    catapult_fire.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    catapult_hit.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    catapult_pull.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    charged.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    chop_tree1.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    chop_tree2.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    chop_tree3.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    coindrop1.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    coindrop2.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    coinpick.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    collapsing.ogg : 48.0 KHz
    collect.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    construct.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    construct_short.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    cut_grass1.ogg : 22.05 KHz
    cut_grass2.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    depleted.ogg : 48.0 KHz
    depleting.ogg : 48.0 KHz
    destroy_dirt.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    destroy_gold.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    destroy_ladder.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    destroy_room.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    destroy_stone.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    destroy_tree.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    destroy_wall.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    dig_dirt1.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    dig_dirt2.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    dig_dirt3.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    dig_stone1.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    dig_stone2.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    dig_stone3.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    door_close.ogg : 48.0 KHz
    door_open.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    dry_hit.ogg : 22.05 KHz
    fall1.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    fall2.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    fall3.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    fallbig.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    flag_capture.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    flag_return.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    flag_score.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    give.ogg : 22.05 KHz
    goldsack_take.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    heart.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    hitwall.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    hit_wood.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    join.ogg : 22.05 KHz
    Kick.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    lightup.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    loot.ogg : 22.05 KHz
    man_scream.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    material_drop.ogg : 48.0 KHz
    metal_stone.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    metronome.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    party_join.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    pick_wall1.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    pick_wall2.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    pick_wall3.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    rock_hit1.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    rock_hit2.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    rock_hit3.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    rocks_explode1.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    rocks_explode2.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    Rubble1.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    Rubble2.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    scrape1.ogg : 48.0 KHz
    scrape2.ogg : 48.0 KHz
    screenshot.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    snes_coin.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    sparkle.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    spawn.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    spike.ogg : 48.0 KHz
    splat.ogg : 48.0 KHz
    switch.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    sword_cling.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    sword_hit_shield.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    sword_kill_knight.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    sword_kill_peasant.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    sword_swoosh.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    throw.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    thud.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    Thunder1.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    Thunder2.ogg : 22.05 KHz
    wetfall1.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    wetfall2.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    wilhelm.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    wilhelm_short.ogg : 44.1 KHz
    P.S Shouldn't they be of uniform sample rate? I gather irrklang down/over-samples to 44.1khz anyway, but why waste precious CPU !

    I can confirm that this glitch is also present in the Linux build of the game.
  5. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

  6. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator
