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[319] The Tooth Puller

Discussion in 'Builder' started by killatron46, Mar 8, 2012.

  1. killatron46

    killatron46 Cata Whore Donator
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    Well, I've been looking around for a nice archer perch/something easy to shoot out of that is relatively safe and . . . I PRESENT THE TOOTH PULLER!!!

    The Tooth Puller.png
    This isn't necessarily a tower, you're only looking at the PERCH. Also, build the ladders/bridges before you place the doors, the doors mess up placing the ladders for some reason.

    A real archer can hang by his teeth while he shoots after all.


    Extremely easy to shoot through as an archer, just slowly lower yourself so you're on the ladders and your good!
    Not too expensive, can be expandable, I put 3 doors but you could do 2. (I placed the bridges there so someone could walk across it easy and to block incoming arrows).
    A bunch of archers can be on this thing and not share damage. (This is one of my pet peeves, sharing a standard door with a derpy archer that can't dodge). =S


    If you get stunned, bomb, charged shot, shield bash, ect, you will fall into the enemies hands.
    Doesn't block 100% of arrows, fully changed shots go through bridges (weird but okay).

    So yeah, have fun holding on with your teeth!
  2. superping

    superping Drill Rusher

    um...why is it called the tooth puller?
  3. dwatring

    dwatring KAG Guard Tester

    First post said, "A real archer can hang by his teeth while he shoots after all." It's supposed to look like he's hanging from his teeth, leading to the name.
    inactive_account likes this.
  4. SqueakyReaper

    SqueakyReaper Shipwright

    Very interesting. I don't see enemy archers getting up in a range that they can hit you from, and it's not easy to get a bomb going straight up. I'll try using this later.

    2x Trapdoors: 60
    3x Trapbridges: 60
    5x Ladders: 10

    Takes 130 wood to add to a tower. If you work quickly, this could be a decent forward outpost. Will probably have to have another builder make the tower base, though.
  5. superping

    superping Drill Rusher

    ohh... okay lol :)
  6. tlc2011

    tlc2011 Base Burner

    I was prepared to say "That looks painful, even if this is a game" if this was a trap, but...


    You caught me off guard. That rarely ever happens on these forums.
  7. killatron46

    killatron46 Cata Whore Donator
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    Also I forgot to mention,

    Build the ladders/bridges before you place the doors, the doors mess up placing the ladders for some reason.
  8. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Had come up with something similar, shooting archer in it did not make him drop though... Are you sure they still fall, when standing? ,Abe only when on tooth part they fall? Guess I'll test more later tonight
  9. Worm

    Worm Derpship Commander Donator


    I find this better.
    killatron46 likes this.
  10. DarkHairedIrish

    DarkHairedIrish Shopkeep Stealer

    That looks like a slightly better improvement for it but that is 1 archer only. The tooth puller looks like it could handle multiple archers.
    Original post, I like this design, quite a bit. On the Action trap testing server we were working on archer port ideas but very little of us normally play archer, so we failed miserably. But I think I've found what I've been looking for...
    BlueLuigi likes this.
  11. Worm

    Worm Derpship Commander Donator

    Do multiple of them then. At least if you like design, you could give me like (hint hint).
  12. killatron46

    killatron46 Cata Whore Donator
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    I wasn't able to test it specifically, but normally: Stun on ladder = fall off.

    I like your design worm. :p The whole reason I posted this on here was really to start a general discussion of these Tooth Pullers. (Anything that has you hanging down past your doors by your teeth). I knew I probably didn't have the best design, and usually you can find better ones after you post them on the forums!

    That archer portal you made there has really good firing range angles, but not quite sure how to build it as of yet. You may have to place stone blocks and destroy them to get the ladders in the right spot.
  13. Quick sketch during doing my homework:
    Arcite and inactive_account like this.
  14. Rayne

    Rayne ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    I've used the same concept since I found out ladders could do this in the test build, except a much much simpler form.
    Only works in zombie mode(no enemy archers)
    Perch an AI archer on it with about 200 arrows, worked great for me.
    Haven't tried it lately though.
    Nice job on the design though, I really like it.

    You can also use it for knights
    the knight can grab onto those ladders and power slash down, instakilling his enemy.
    I've only really tested it in solo deathmatch though.
  15. killatron46

    killatron46 Cata Whore Donator
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    EDIT: I just tried this, and you can still build it as of build [428], you just have to use more team doors, because you can open them and destroy them to get 30 wood back easily.

    Looks good EJ, needs 1 more bridge though between the part you're hanging from (to block arrows if you're not shooting).

    The worst problem I've had with this tower is building it, however I came up with a method to build it fairly easily. Follow along with my emoticons!


    :blank::blank::blank::hammer::):blank::blank: :blank::blank: :blank::hammer::flex:

    Thank you for staying tuned to this presentation.
    FuzzyBlueBaron, Chinizz and BlueLuigi like this.
  16. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    It isn't? More often than not throwing a bomb straight up might be easier than throwing one over a tower or wall.

    I do like the design though. The extra door easily allows dipping in and out, and it'll block incoming fire. Nicely done!
  17. Carver

    Carver Meitantei-san Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Yeah Killatron, tomorrow I think I'll post my favourite tower to this thread, utilizing this and a few others :D
    BlueLuigi likes this.
  18. Gofio

    Gofio Gunwobbler x3

    I see them do that...
    the trees are climbable, you know...
  19. SqueakyReaper

    SqueakyReaper Shipwright

    The trees are also right below you. You have the advantage aiming straight down. While they do it every now and then, what sane Archer is going to leave the safety of their own fortifications to run straight up to yours?
  20. PumpkingSlice

    PumpkingSlice Base Burner

    Me:r_flex: :B)::flex:
    DarkHairedIrish likes this.